Things to consider

Before publishing any content, you will need an editorial team and a robust editorial work flow. Below is a checklist that you can use to ensure you're considering all necessary factors before you get started.


  • [ ] Do we have the necessary manpower/resources?
  • [ ] Which department will social media be assigned to (PR, Marketing, Sales)?
  • [ ] Who will create visual and written content? Who will take their place if they are on leave?
  • [ ] Who will post the content and be responsible for editorial issues on a permanent basis?
  • [ ] Do we have communications processes in place with specialist departments - legal, communications, operations etc?
  • [ ] Who will approve the content before it's posted?
  • [ ] Will staff have to be trained?


  • [ ] Does our business unit generate enough interesting content?
  • [ ] If not, can it? What resources will we need?
  • [ ] Can we legally/ethically/morally publish information about our projects/clients/customers/team?
  • [ ] Do we have a platform to gather and track content creation?
  • [ ] Do those who are responsible understand the scope of work?
  • [ ] Will clear direction from leadership be provided to support the team?
  • [ ] Can we create clear production timelines and responsibilities?
  • [ ] What are our goals and targets? What will we measure success against? Do we have the skill set to do so effectively?

Community management

  • [ ] Who will monitor social media for engagement opportunities and crisis management?
  • [ ] Do we have a platform for monitoring and reporting community management?
  • [ ] Does the same person who is monitoring the channels have the experience and authority to respond on behalf of the brand?
  • [ ] If not, is a process in place to ensure responses can be provided in a reasonable time frame?
  • [ ] Do we have a crisis management escalation process in place?

Paid advertisement

  • [ ] Do we have an authorised company credit card?
  • [ ] Who is responsible for authorising a suitable budget?
  • [ ] Who is responsible for placing ads?
  • [ ] Who are our target audiences?
  • [ ] Who is responsible for the success of our advertising?


  • [ ] How will social media activities be reported?
  • [ ] How will success be measured?
  • [ ] Have we set KPIs?
  • [ ] Who will track the progress?
  • [ ] Who is responsible for budgets?


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