From centralised to hybrid

As digital thinking matures we are beginning to see best practice for governance emerge. Governance about who ‘owns’ digital and how those teams operate. But this kind of governance does not happen overnight, it's a journey we need to go on. We must progress towards the goal of integrating digital across and throughout the organisation.

The informal model

This is our starting point. A number of divisions have set up websites and social media pages. However, those handling digital are spread across the organisation and isolated to their business division. There is no formal or informal process of knowledge transfer and opportunities to improve are often missed.

The collaborative hybrid model

This is where we want to end up. By providing guidelines and on going support, we will create a collaborative hybrid model where responsibility is shared between a central team and autonomous digital experts embedded within each business division. Silos are broken down and knowledge and experience is shared between individuals to the benefit of the whole.

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