Before you set up a page

Every social media account that is created under any of BMMI's divisions, represents both the division itself and the BMMI brand.

Before creating a social media account on any platform, it's important that you inform the Marketing/Corporate Communications Department about your intentions, as we need to keep track of all online content representing BMMI.

  • When creating or managing a social media account, ensure access credentials are shared by at least two people in your division and the Marketing/Corporate Communications department in case one team member is unreachable or leaves the company.
  • Ensure that at least two people in your division are aware of the schedule and community management responsibilities at all times to ensure there is no downtime or quality issues if one member of staff is on leave.
  • Make sure that the account is very clearly branded and in keeping with your divisions visual identity.

If you are planning to open a new BMMI social media account, you must be committed to creating a clear strategy with both short-term and long-term goals. These steps will help you with that process:

  • Identify your audience and the purpose of the account. What are your concrete goals?
  • Determine the personality of your account. Write in a consistent and well-planned voice: Have a clear idea of what your posts will sound like in order to make it easy for new team members to understand quickly.
  • Content planning is extremely important. Begin by identifying target audiences, prioritise them and brainstorm topics that are relevant to your specific audience. What kind of content will you post? How will you plan ahead for future content?
  • Plan to develop a content calendar containing 20 ideas for posts per month and make sure that these contain an equal distribution of key topic areas. The ability to post consistently is important to social media success.
  • Make sure that team roles are clearly defined. Who will take care of these platforms and when?

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