Reporting & Analytics

Are you seeing results? Are your efforts meeting your KPIs? What can be improved? What should be dropped? Are we getting the engagement that we hoped for? The only way to answer these questions and to show your progress is to analyse your activities through a formal process of reviewing and reporting.

You are expected to review and report every month. Below is a checklist outlining the minimum requirements for your reports:

  • Advertising. How much was spent on advertising? How was is allocated? What did it achieve?
  • Follower growth. How many new fans did you gain this month?
  • Post volume. How many posts did you publish this month?
  • Reach rate. How many people did our posts reach?
  • Engagement per post. Which posts gained the most engagement? Which got the least?
  • Total engagement. What is the sum total of clicks, shares, likes, and comments this month?
  • Social referral traffic. How many people clicked through to your website from social channels?
  • Sales funnel. How many social users took an action such as buying products or signing up to newsletters?
  • Recommendations & actions. What have you learnt? What recommendations are you making based on this and what actions are you going to take next?

Initially, your reports will cover the first 30 days after you publish your page. However, as soon as you have any level of history, you must compare month on month, quarter on quarter and year on year to ensure that progress is moving positively.




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