Logo Usage
All BMMI divisions have brand guidelines that are to be followed for traditional usage. Now that the world has moved towards digital, it's important that we maintain the same levels of care and consistency across all of our online channels.
If your brand guidelines do not currently provide direction for how to use your specific assets online, please request that they are updated to do so. If you are setting up a new division at BMMI, please make sure that digital is considered throughout your guidelines.
In the meantime, here are some general rules to follow:
- Ensure your logo maintains clear space just as you would for printed collateral
- Some platforms, such as Instagram, force your logo into a circular space. Make sure your logo is sized correctly to allow for this without any cropping of the logo itself. You may need to ask your design agency to create a new version of your logo for you to ensure that this is possible.
Almost all social platforms require a version of your logo which is often smaller than traditional guidelines allow for. Looking at the newsfeeds of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and more you'll notice what is known as an avatar next to each post or update. As a business, this is a small version of your full logo or a specific representation of it.
If your logo is long (such as La Vinoteca Barcelona) you will need to request for your design agency to create an avatar for you to ensure legibility when your logo is featured in a newsfeed.
- Here is a page from Spotify's brand guidelines showing the flexibility of their logo across different uses. They label their avatar as an app icon.